All in WomeninTech

5 Tips for Starting a New Job

For those of you who don’t already know I started a full-time software engineering job in New York City in February. There was a lot of adjusting and learning to do but I found that these five tips really helped make the prospect of starting a new job a little less terrifying

5 Hacker Movies to Watch

Everyone knows the holidays are filled with family, food… and movies. Instead of just watching Shrek for the 24th time in a row or mindlessly searching Netflix check out one (or all) of these great tech inspired films. And if you can’t tell based off the first three recommendations, I absolutely LOVE ‘80s movies.

Acing the Technical Interview

For everyone else who is wondering how to ace the technical interview the most important thing to know is that your performance in a technical interview does not automatically correlate with your ability as an engineer. I’ve met some of the smartest coders and generally awesome people who just bomb tech interviews. Similarly, I know coders who don’t know anything but have had a combination of really lucky interviews and are great at BSing. I view technical interview performance like standardized test performance: it doesn’t measure anything but it’s a hurdle you’ll most likely need to face when getting a job in tech. I see technical interviews as an opportunity to show what you know and there are ways to improve your feedback by applying the following strategies.